

Convivialism Transnational

We urgently need to develop – theoretically and practically – a new social, moral and political philosophy. We think it is critical to expose values likely to be shared by all people and movements that are convinced that democracy and ecological survival cannot rely any longer on the idea of infinite economic growth. Thus, we have to oppose the global hegemony of finance capitalism and look for various forms of prosperity without growth. A first draft of this philosophy has been sketched out by The Convivialist Manifesto (2013), initially written or endorsed by around 100 well known French speaking intellectuals and academics, and adopted by many activists and civic organizations. It is about time to go further and to call for the active transnational participation of all intellectuals, academics, and activists willing to contribute to this development. This blog is devoted to this task.
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Global Civil Societies

Thousands of civic organizations, social movements, initiatives and networks currently reinvent social and economic relations, politics, and culture and consequently try to make another world possible and tangible. But often they do not know each other. Here’s the place to learn about initiatives aiming at conviviality, to set up networks, and to comment on what others do.

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Link to download  The Convivalist Manifesto: